Key West Brain Injury Attorneys
Leesfield & Partners, has been representing the victims of negligence for years. Our team of dedicated Key West traumatic brain injury lawyers represents persons who have suffered a serious brain injury, traumatic brain injury, head injury, economic loss, personal loss and future damages due to the negligence of others.
A traumatic brain injury is a severe injury to the head that results in serious and often irreversible damage to the brain. Unlike other injuries, you may not even be able to tell if a person has suffered a brain injury just by looking at them. A brain injury might present itself immediately or several weeks after the accident. The brain is an extremely complex organ that allows us to move, breathe, communicate, exhibit emotions and process information. One blow to the head can cause the brain to be tossed around inside the skull and significantly alter any one of these vital functions.
Types of brain injuries include:
* Paralysis
* Loss of voluntary and involuntary motor functions
* Loss of reasoning abilities
* Loss of memory
* Sensory loss
The most common cause of traumatic brain injuries is motor vehicle accidents. Motorcycle accidents are responsible for many of these, especially when the rider was not wearing a helmet. Other incidents that can cause injury to the brain include falls, diving and swimming accidents and construction site accidents.
If you suspect you have suffered a traumatic brain injury, the Key West brain injury lawyers of Leesfield & Partners are experienced in handling these serious injury and wrongful death cases.