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Ira Leesfield Biography

The name Ira Leesfield has become synonymous with generosity and responsible citizenship in the Miami area. His dedications to his community and his profession have been recognized repeatedly, in forums as modest as the local news stands to venues as illustrious as the Floor of the House of Representatives.

Ira Leesfield is a prominent and respected Miami attorney. Mr. Leesfield is the managing partner of the nationally recognized law firm, Leesfield & Partners. The firm has earned a reputation for achieving outstanding results on behalf of their clients as well as exercising extraordinary initiative in prosecuting cases that benefit public interest. With an emphasis on cases involving serious personal injury, wrongful death, medical malpractice, and related fields, Leesfield & Partners has served the community by defending the rights of the individual. Ira Leesfield has headed these efforts, contributing more than three decades of litigation experience. Mr. Leesfield is directly responsible for bringing numerous multi-million dollar, high profile settlements to the firm.

Although dedicated to his firm, Ira Leesfield has also made a significant contribution of his time to a wide variety of boards, associations, and charities. Mr. Leesfield established the Leesfield Family Foundation, which is a non-profit organization designed to support local and international organizations that work to enrich and enhance the lives of the underprivileged. Mr. Leesfield has passed his generous nature on to his daughter, who serves as the Chair of the foundation. Together, they have contributed to almost forty varied organizations for the benefit of those less fortunate. Ira Leesfield has also served the Miami Project for the Homeless, the Cystic Fibrosis Foundation, and the Anti-Defamation League.

Ira Leesfield has served numerous professional organizations, including the American Bar Foundation, the Academy of Florida Trial Lawyers, the Melvin Belli Society, the Maritime Law Association, and the American Association of Justice, of which he is the Senior Florida Governor. He served in the administration of President Bill Clinton, as well as Florida Governor Lawton Chiles.

Ira Leesfield was recently recognized on the floor of the House of Representatives by Florida Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, for his receipt of the American Jewish Committee’s illustrious Judge Learned Hand Award. Judge Learned Hand was admired for his high principles and impact on the community. The award named in his honor was created by the American Jewish Committee to acknowledge those leaders in the legal profession who exemplify the attributes for which Judge Learned Hand was so respected. As Representative Ros-Lehtinen remarked, “The American Jewish Committee must have had Ira in mind when this illustrious award was created.” Without a doubt, Ira Leesfield personifies the most admirable qualities a member of the legal community can possess.

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