
Helicopter Accidents

Helicopters are incredible flying machines. They give pilots incredible flying freedom, able to ascend and descend vertically, or go forward and backwards within seconds. The small size of helicopters however translates in having very little means of protection in case of a malfunction or inclement weather resulting in an uncontrolled crash. Each year several helicopter crashes occur, and most result in the wrongful death of one or multiple occupants.

These claims are not frequent, but an experienced law firm is an absolute necessity in order to resolve injury claims successfully. Our attorneys have also recovered millions of dollars in award and compensatory damages for our clients who were victims of helicopter accidents due to piloting error, lack of maintenance, or defective design.

One of the helicopter accident claims Leesfield & Partners handled was for injuries sustained by pilot and co-pilot. In a controlled-crash event, both individuals sustained massive spinal fractures which rendered them paralyzed. It was later discovered by our helicopter accident attorneys that the seats mounted in the helicopter were inadequate.

Typically, helicopters, much like sports cars, are equipped with bucket seats. A bucket seat is a seat contoured to hold one person which provides support in case of rapid change of direction and sharp turns. In our case, the helicopter was not equipped with bucket seats, but with bench seats which were flat platform seats with little to no support. The design defect contributed greatly to our clients’ injuries and catastrophic outcome and our law firm was able to secure a large settlement for the families of both men.

To contact one of our experienced trial lawyers call our Miami law office today at 800-836-6400 or click here for a free and full case evaluation.

Client Reviews
I have known Ira for several decades and without a doubt he represents the best of the profession- a never ending commitment to his clients and a perpetual desire for learning and sharing his expertise with his colleagues. Richard
I found, and still find, that Ira’s firm will evaluate the case fairly and provide the client with a reasonably expectation of the process involved and will avoid giving false hope where there is none. Also Ira’s firm consistently keeps in constant touch with the client as well as referring attorneys so each knows the progress of a case. Finally I can tell you that if I personally were injured, Ira Leesfield is the first person I would call. Michael Browning
I'm impressed and very satisfied with the handling of my injury case at this law firm. I was helped and walked through every step of the way. I'm happy to report a fantastic settlement achieved by this excellent law firm. Thank you Rosa
The people at Leesfield & Partners are extremely professional and compassionate! I would refer your Law Firm to anyone that was in need of an attorney! Thank you my friends. Karen
Our family highly recommends the team at Leesfield & Partners. Every step of the way, Barbie Leon was there to make sure we were updated on the progress of the case as well as answer any questions we had. Barbie was in constant communication with our family. She is thoughtful and caring and worked hard to make sure we understood everything that was happening around us. Linda
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